Mancat Monday

Mancat Monday

We had some really hot weather, why it felt like SUMMER, now it is back to normal temperatures for this time of year but having gotten use to the warm it sure is hard to go back to the cold.

The yard is looking nice the grass is turning green and growing like wildfire. Our flowers are doing great. Mom has lots of weeding, trimming, planting etc to do. Me, I am staying nice and cozy in Tuiren's bed. ~Socks, reporting for ATCAD

- Fenris Friday
 I sure did enjoy the FAKE SPRING we had. It was nice and warm.  Tuiren rolled around in the grass and I followed Mommy around. We loved it, than because some STUPID GROUNDHOG saw his shadow it turned cold again. Me and Socks are going groundhog...

- Tuiren Tuesday
The Greenhouse still isn't fixed, as soon as it is Mommy will have to move the plants out of the garage into the greenhouse. We lost several of our plants because of the unseasonably cold weather we have been having. The Confederate Rose is pretty...

- Tabby Tuesday
Mancat Monday got co-opted by the Highland Games so Tuiren said I could post today. I am just taking things easy and waiting for it to warm up outside. I don't like the cold weather. ~Socks, reporting for ATCAD ...

- The Last Little Drops Of Summer
It always amazes me how so many of you live so far away,and yet, each day you drop by our little farm here in Pennsylvania for a visit.When I picture where you live, I think about the weather that you are experiencing that day. Yesterday I thought of...

- It's Asparagus Time
Asparagus time is one of my favorite seasons in the garden. Each Spring it is the first crop to be harvested and a sure sign that winter is over. I find great comfort in seeing these purplish/green shoots emerging from the earth. It is reassurance that...

