Fenris Friday

Fenris Friday

Get to work Mommy you have lots to do today.

Daddy put plywood (the old stuff from when they redid the house) around the Azaleas to help keep the grass down.

Now Mommy is suppose to spread the Peat Moss around them. ~Fenris reporting for ATCAD

Pet Parade Blog Hop

An InLinkz Link-up

- Not Fenris Friday
 (Attorney Ernie do you see this not a dog post on Fenris Friday. Why the Mom even let a INTRUDER CAT into the post. ~Fenris) Ahem, where was I, oh I was down at the Butterfly Garden chilling with my new friend. For the purposes of this post we will...

- Fenris Friday With Flowers
Well you get ONE miserly picture of ME and Tuiren, and it's from the back. Really MOM our friends want to see us. I am calling Attorney Ernie about this as soon as we get back to the house. At least we got to go for a walk. We were amazed, astounded,...

- Fenris Friday 2016
 I am waiting for instructions from Mommy. She wants to do a photo shoot to welcome in the New Year.  Today's theme is action. This Winter weather has me busy chasing squirrels. Hard to believe it is already winter.  I am looking forward...

- Tuiren Tuesday ~ A Vistor
Daddy let the grass get too high and we had a visitor. A very scary visitor. Here is what happened. Mom was eating supper at the picnic table and she had given me and Fenris our supper too, so we didn't even notice the excitement. Mommy saw a Mockingbird...

- Tuiren Tuesday
Whenever me and Fenris see anything interesting we run to the fence and observe it. We watch carefully to see if we needs to alert Mommy by barking. This is a very important decision. You mustn't bark too often are you annoy the people, but you wants...

