Fenris Friday

Fenris Friday

Mommy got this thing that attaches to the faucet and when I push on it FRESH water comes out. We thought this was a pawsome idea but this faucet is broke so we can't use it in the backyard where I lives when I am not hanging out in the house with the Mom.

One of our friends mentioned they didn't realize we had a fenced in area. Before Mommy & Daddy got me Daddy fenced in a backyard for me. It is nice and large. They couldn't afford to fence the whole property though so parts of our land is unfenced. To the North of us the fence is gone, up in the front but some of the adjoining property owners toward the back have fences in various states of disrepair. To the east there is a fence that is in pretty good repair but there is a hole in it large enough for me to get through.  And there is a falling down fence to the South that the previous owners of our house had put up, in places you can step right over it. 

In my backyard I has a doghouse and a Jungle Gym and we are hoping one day soon to have a back porch. Daddy also needs to do some repair work on the Jungle Gym.

- Mancat Monday
Scylla, Do you see the dogs? Nope, no dogs on my side of the table. Scylla are you sure you don't see any dogs on your side of the table? They seem to be missing!!!!!!! OK, I am just going to mosey over here and drink out of the doggies water bowl. ...

- Tuiren Tuesday
I have been a very bad doggie. I dug under the fence and went AWOL, Mommy was very annoyed with me. I don't understand it as soon as I tracked down the scent I was following I came right back so why am I a BAD DOG? And Fenny is a traitor, I love my...

- Rosie's Story
This is Rosie's Story as pieced together from the police report and an eye witness account. At some point Rosie got on the wrong side of her 6 ft high fenced in yard when her owners were not home. Perhaps the children spotted chasing her let her out...

- Purrs 4 Peace Week 30 Announcement: Break Those Chains
We are purring with Confucius Cat Purrs 4 Peace Week 30 Announcement: Break Those Chains. We don't completely agree with this. Mommy had to chain her Border Collie, Sir Lass because he could jump their fence, and it was a very tall 6 foot fence. He...

- Never Enough Fences!
It seems like every summer brings another fencing project.At the end of each project I say the same thing...."Now we have enough fences...no more fences."Then another summer comes along and we need another fence. This year's project is construction...

