Fenris Friday

Fenris Friday

Look WHO is trying to steal my CANNED DOGFOOD that I only get ONCE a month.  Mommy says that Scylla has a few screws lose. See Scylla always acts terrified of me when I am trying to be friendly and even when I am ignoring her if we are in the same room. BUT  when she wants my food she walks right up to me even with me growling and snarling. Mommy says I was very scary but apparently Scylla didn't think so cause she just stood there and LOOKED at me "like what's your problem". I didn't hurt her (that would have made Mommy mad at me), and Mommy locked her in the garage for me so I could eat in peace. But really Scylla, Dog wagging tail = wants to be friends let's play,  Dog growling and snarling = run away as fast as you can, you seem to have it backwards. ~Fenris

- Mancat Monday
Hello everyone, I am so glad you could come by. I took a selfie. Mommy loves the unique markings around my eyes. I likes to hang out down here with the Hummingbirds. It's a nice place to read and meditate. Unless a pesky sister that wants to pounce...

- Fenris Friday
We won this terrific prize from Dakota's Den.  They has Pet Cakes by Lucky Paws for Dogs and Cats. These are the ones for cats. You has a tray in the shape of fish to bake (microwave) them in. We were going to show you Mom's cooking but...........first...

- Socks Tells All
Oh me and Scylla have been friends again for ages. That is why Mommy thought it was so weird that I was whapping her anytime she got near me. I NEVER do that. And I only did it for a day or two and then I stopped. Mommy says Scylla definitely DID SOMETHING...

- Artemisia @ Play
I love to play and I love all the toys that we have here. I am getting along better with Scylla. We actually sleep with each other sometimes. She still gets all hissy & growly when I pounce on her and she doesn't want to play. Socks says I...

- Fenris ~ Day 1 & 2
(Monday)It was late when we got home. Mommy took me in the backyard and gave me some food and water and when I was through eating we walked around the backyard together. We kinda deviated from Cesar's advice because 1.) Since I was neutered that...

