Fenris Friday

Fenris Friday

 I got a new harness. I wanted a BLUE harness to match my eyes but the only color they had it in was BLACK. Mommy said you could get it in any color you wanted as long as it was Black. Supposedly that is an old Ford joke that the humans think is funny. I was not amused.
 It is a Dean & Tyler Universal - No Pull. The strap that goes between my legs is too long. Mommy emailed them about it and the nice gentleman in customer service told her to snail mail the strap to them and they will make it shorter for us. Daddy was suppose to mail it for us last week but he forgot. He got it mailed off the first of this week though, so hopefully they will get the shorter strap here soon so I can go walking with Mommy.
 I do wish it was blue though.
Mommy likes it cause it is easier for her to get on and off and it has a big handle she can grab me with. So even though it isn't blue I guesses it is OK.  ~Fenris pup reporting

- Caturday Starring Yang
 We hope you aren't tired of us. Scylla says we have been hogging the blog. We can't help it we are majorly CUTE.  In the first picture we used Infrared.  All of the pictures are a variation of this one, Which is the original. Mommy...

- Fenris Friday
OK a long time ago ........................We told you about Daddy's project (Socks was laying on the plans). It is a cedar planter that covers the septic stuffs. Daddy finished the planter ages ago, but it took Mommy this long to get flowers for...

- Fenris Friday
 I am hanging out with Mom in the Hummingbird Cottage. The chaise lounger is nice and comfy. Silly Daddy thinking Mommy got a two seater so he could sit by her. It's for me and the cats not him. There isn't room for him. Yes, I do have on...

- Things On Tuesday
One of Mommy's friends thinks I am an Anatolian Shepherd Dog.  The description does fit me better then the Great Pyrenees description. I have a black mask, black ears and my coat is turning fawn colored. Funnily enough my blue eyes...

- Manley Monday
I know you were expecting Socks but he wanted the day off so I offered to do the post. Somebody commented on my blue eyes and asked if I got lots of compliments on them. I have to admit I do. Mommy has a soft spot for blue eyed fellows and she says me...

