Fenris Friday

Fenris Friday

I am watching Mommy plant things.

I wishes she would come play with me instead.

The two back rows have strawberries. We already has some ready to eat. The front row has a bananna pepper, yellow squash and an eggplant. Mommy planted them in raised beds so maybe the squash will not get powdery mildew this year.

She planted marigolds around them to attract bees. They are cheerful little flowers.

Mom says it is time for me to earn my keep now.

I gets to pull the garden wagon for her.

Ciara, would you like to come help me pull the wagon?

Now it is time for a water break and a snooze.

- Free
We got these Gladiolas for FREE. Grandma gave them to us. We got this plant for FREE too. The people who gave it to us told Mommy it was a Wisteria. So Mommy planted it next to our wood fence (the fence is gone now). Well it wasn't a Wisteria like...

- Thursday In The Garden
The herb bed. It has lots more stuff in it now. But when Mommy first started it, it just had the fennel which survived the winter and the cilantro she transplanted from the tomato bed. We jumped for joy when we saw the dill was also coming back from last...

- Gardening Note
Planted two crooked neck squash, one egg plant, one sweet banana pepper some lettuce seeds (maybe they will come up) and some marigolds in the vegetable garden. Planted lemon balm in the herb bed. Planted in pots to dress up the front of the house Columbine,...

- Eureka!
Breathtakingly beautiful, blue-skied days are upon us now.Summer has arrived on the farmand each day is spent in a gardening marathon. All of a sudden, there is so much to plant! So far, I have planted sugar peas, onions, radishes, carrots, beets, leeks,spinach,...

- Garden Views
I am so happy I could just dance! "Why?"  you ask. Because gardening in my raised boxes is such a joy.... and the boxes are growing like gangbusters!This box is loaded with sugar peas and a couple of cabbages in the front. The sugar peas are just...

