FFHT "And that's why my toes turned purple . . ."

FFHT "And that's why my toes turned purple . . ."

I am not amused not amused at all. The Yoga Twins have been keeping Mommy so busy she has forgotten to help us blog and her brain is fried and her memory is shot. Anyway I reminded her it was FFHT and asked her to lend me a paw hand. So what did she do she got out the purple paint "and that's why my toes turned purple" along with the grass, my stick, the leaves and the rest of me. Did I say I wanted to be purple? No, I did not. And really couldn't she have just made my toes purple, why did the whole entire picture have to be purple?

Socks says at least this is better than the time Whiskers turned BLUE (before my time) but apparently the Fat Cat sat in a tray of blue paint and got paint on his butt and then he proceeded to paint the garage floor, the boys go cart and various and sundry other things before he was captured, bathed, taken to the vet and given another bath there.  At least with a click of the mouse I will look like me again.

There that is better. ~Fenris, being purple for ATCAD

- Thursday In The Garden
The Blue Sage is so pretty, we wishes we could have got a better picture of the flowers, but it got very tall and is over Mommy's head. Glad we planted it here where it has something to lean against and doesn't fall over. We thinks it got so tall...

- Purple
We likes these PURPLE wildflowers. They are a shade of PURPLE called lavender. This purple heliotrope is very pretty.  We are going to plant it in the Charybdis Bed if Daddy ever finishes it. Artemisia is disappointed the PURPLE Heart doesn't...

- Lock ~ Photo Hunt

- Purple
These azaleas are PURPLE, "Probably the most noted and planted cultivators of Indica Azaleas are ‘Formosa’ – magenta purple; ‘Pride of Mobile’". We thinks the Formosas are very pretty and they get really big. We have a huge one down at the pond....

- Flowers On Friday ~wildflowers & Camellias
This is some purple clover. Daddy saw it growing by the side of the road and he liked it so much he is trying to raise some. (Picture A) This is a pretty purple violet. (Picture B) And this is the same flower with Mommy playing with the setting...

