Lock ~ Photo Hunt

Lock ~ Photo Hunt

Did you LOCK the car? Mommy got this car to take Fenris to the vet, so we refers to it as the Fenmobile. It is a funny purple color called Blackberry Pearl. Sometimes it looks blue and sometimes it even looks black, most of the time it looks purple.


- Ffht "and That's Why My Toes Turned Purple . . ."
I am not amused not amused at all. The Yoga Twins have been keeping Mommy so busy she has forgotten to help us blog and her brain is fried and her memory is shot. Anyway I reminded her it was FFHT and asked her to lend me a paw hand. So what did she do...

- Fenris Friday
 I got a new harness. I wanted a BLUE harness to match my eyes but the only color they had it in was BLACK. Mommy said you could get it in any color you wanted as long as it was Black. Supposedly that is an old Ford joke that the humans think is...

- Purple
We likes these PURPLE wildflowers. They are a shade of PURPLE called lavender. This purple heliotrope is very pretty.  We are going to plant it in the Charybdis Bed if Daddy ever finishes it. Artemisia is disappointed the PURPLE Heart doesn't...

- About The Pictures
Several of you asked how the pictures were done. Mommy has two settings on her camera that take "special pictures". This one was made using the color swap option. She swapped the pink part of the Azalea with the white part, for a very dramatic look....

- Purple
These azaleas are PURPLE, "Probably the most noted and planted cultivators of Indica Azaleas are ‘Formosa’ – magenta purple; ‘Pride of Mobile’". We thinks the Formosas are very pretty and they get really big. We have a huge one down at the pond....

