Flowers on Friday

Flowers on Friday

These pictures were taken November 24th. Everything but the Hibiscus is outside. We just love the Hibiscus blooming in our greenhouse. Isn't it pretty?
Mr. Frost didn't kill the Verbena, it still looks pretty and look our Camillas and Azaleas are blooming.

Isn't the Camilla a lovely deep pink?

A honeybee has found this blossom.

- Fenris Friday
Hi, I am munching on some grass. Mommy's Wisterias are blooming. Mommy's white and pink Verbena are blooming. The Chinese Witch Hazel is blooming. Mommy planted this Sweet Broom. She saw lots of it in San Diego. She had to dig it back up because...

- Thursday In The Garden
This is a WEED. Mommy usually says bad words when she sees it but since it was growing next to the green house where she wouldn't step on it she didn't. It has pretty flowers but the leaves have nasty stickers. The Red Hibiscus is blooming. It...

- Thursday In The Garden
Isn't the purple wisteria gorgeous. The bees sure do like it. We thinks it looks really pretty with the white one. The winter was very hard on our "special" azaleas that bloom all year long, we are relived that two of them are blooming. Still not...

- Flowers On Friday
We love the red blooms on our Hibiscus and the read leaves on the Haight Ashbury Hibiscus , it is going to bloom very soon. The Mexican Petunias are still doing well. The Azaleas are blooming, we just love this new variety that blooms all year. The...

- Sunday With Scylla
Our azaleas are blooming again. They are really pretty when they bloom. Mommy thought this was butterfly weed, but it isn't. We don't know what it is, but it took over Mommy's flowerbed. It has pretty yellow flowers. Isn't this a pretty...

