Flowers on Friday

Flowers on Friday

We love the red blooms on our Hibiscus and the read leaves on the Haight Ashbury Hibiscus , it is going to bloom very soon.
The Mexican Petunias are still doing well.

The Azaleas are blooming, we just love this new variety that blooms all year.

The Verbena is blooming, it is a nice old fashioned plant.

This is a Ginger Lily, it smells really good.

This is Mommy's new flower. It is a Buttercup Ranuncule (Turnera ulmifolia). Mommy was hoping to plant it in the yard before it got cold, but Daddy didn't have time, so Mommy put it in a BIG POT in the greenhouse.

- Thursday In The Garden
The Forsythia has leaves now instead of flowers, we will have to wait all the way till next Spring to see it's lovely blooms again. This Johnny Jump Up found it's way into the pot. Mommy didn't plant it here. We are happy to report the vines...

- Thursday In The Garden
The front flower bed. The Gladiolas did good this year they stood up straight while they were blooming and didn't flop over. It helped that we didn't get heavy winds and rain during the period they were blooming. The ornamental pepper, we just...

- Fenris Friday
Hi, I am munching on some grass. Mommy's Wisterias are blooming. Mommy's white and pink Verbena are blooming. The Chinese Witch Hazel is blooming. Mommy planted this Sweet Broom. She saw lots of it in San Diego. She had to dig it back up because...

- Sunday With Scylla
Hi everybody, I thought you might like to visit the butterfly garden with me. The candlebush is the star of our garden right down. Aren't it's yellow blooms pretty? Hummingbirds, butterflies, bees, wasp and ants all seem to like it's blooms....

- New Plants In The Butterfly Garden By Scylla
We didn't get to see the English Dogwood and the white Wisteria bloom last year, so we were thrilled to see them bloom this spring. Mommy, Daddy and youngest boy bean have been adding stuff to the Whiskers' Memorial Butterfly Garden. This is...

