In the Garden

In the Garden

The Nasturtium is blooming. This is the first time I have planted them so I didn't know what to expect. This is the Empress of India color. If they do well I may try to get some different colors next year and plant a bed of them.

This is the Blue Daze I recently planted. If it does well I may see about using it along the side walk when Hubby gets around to making me a flower bed there.

My hydrangea is doing well, this bush has blue and lilac blooms on it. I have one in the green house that is a mass of pink blooms. Depending on how the new addition to the butterfly garden does, I may plant it down there this fall.

The Bugle Weed (Ajuga) is blooming. The leaves look nice next to the rock. I can't wait for it to spread and take over the entire bead. This color is Burgundy Glow.

I love the Texas Star Hibiscus. Next year I hope to have a bed of it and the Haight Ashbury Hibiscus together, I think they would make an interesting combination.

And last but not least the Queen Ann's Lace is blooming.

Many of our fur friends both feline and canine have passed over the rainbow bridge. Rest assured they have a plant in the Whiskers Memorial Butterfly Garden planted in their memory and their families are in our thoughts and prayers. And on a happier note two special felines who tied the knot have a Gardenia planted in honor of their marriage.

On a more mundane note we are adding a vegetable and fruit garden in hopes of cutting down on our grocery bill. Saturday we planted cantaloupe, watermelon, squash, tomatoes, cucumbers, egg plant, banana peppers and a mystery plant that may be okra. And soon my blueberries will be ready to pick. It looks as if we will have a bumper crop this year.

- Gardening Note
Planted two crooked neck squash, one egg plant, one sweet banana pepper some lettuce seeds (maybe they will come up) and some marigolds in the vegetable garden. Planted lemon balm in the herb bed. Planted in pots to dress up the front of the house Columbine,...

- Flowers On Friday
We love the red blooms on our Hibiscus and the read leaves on the Haight Ashbury Hibiscus , it is going to bloom very soon. The Mexican Petunias are still doing well. The Azaleas are blooming, we just love this new variety that blooms all year. The...

- Tattle Tail Tuesday By Scylla
Hi everyone, Charybdis and I had a wonderful time hanging out this weekend with the Tortie Twins, Holly and Ivy. You can't imagine how much trouble four young girl cats can get up to. OK, maybe you can, but no photographs no evidence I say. Suffice...

- New Plants In The Butterfly Garden By Scylla
We didn't get to see the English Dogwood and the white Wisteria bloom last year, so we were thrilled to see them bloom this spring. Mommy, Daddy and youngest boy bean have been adding stuff to the Whiskers' Memorial Butterfly Garden. This is...

- Remembering Our Friends
We were very sad to read that Lacy Lulu didn't make it, you can read her family's moving tribute Last Picture, Thanks, and Tributes!! on her blog. We are going to plant a Gardenia for her in the Whiskers' Memorial Butterfly Garden. We were...

