Following The Leader

Following The Leader

You may have wondered... when you saw yesterday's post of the lambs outside...
how I got Gracie and the lambs outside by myself.

Gracie is such a good girl and leads very well...
especially when I am carrying a pack of Ritz crackers!

The babies just follow along behind her

(sometimes a bit rambunctious...but they stay fairly close.)

Then into the fenced in yard they go,
and the fun begins...

and the laughter ensues!

A little later in the evening the guineas come down from the upper pastures...
headed towards the big pine tree by the barn where they will roost for the night.
Here is their reaction at seeing the sheep for the first time...

This is a great illustration of why guineas make good farm security.
They always let you know when something is different!

- Grammy One
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- Moving Day
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- Good Night
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- Sunrise, Sunset
Yesterday was one of those days when I was lucky enough to be outsideboth at sunrise and at sunset.And let me tell you, both were spectacular!Sadly, I did not have my camera with me for sunrise.But yesterday evening.... The sun set with a promise of...

- Boarding School
Remember that early morning in May that I took a trip to the Post Office to pick up my 30 baby guineas?Well, those guineas are adolescents now.And are now attending Boarding School. (Here is Gus, Headmaster of the BeeHaven Birdbrain Academy.) Yes, that's...

