Grammy Camp....Day One

Grammy Camp....Day One

Now that we are in the heat of summer,
I have stopped leading Gracie and her lambs back to the barn each night.

Instead, they stay out in their yard all day and night.

Their mornings are spent grazing.
Their afternoons are spent under this grove of trees,
resting in the shade.

And their evenings are spent at the hay feeder.

They have their houses for inclement weather.

This arrangement seems to be working out just fine.

As for socialization, everyone comes running when I enter their yard.
It's the Ritz crackers...they are the best socialization tool ever!

The lambs are getting quite a wooly coat on them.
I can hardly wait to see what it will be like by next Spring.
I should have lots of wool for spinning next year!

Tyler and I had quite a busy day yesterday.
We did some pre-kindergarten workbook pages, played with play dough,
and spent the rest of the day outside...
hiking in the woods...

playing on the pirate ship...

with Bobby 

(aka Puss in Boots!)

and swimming in the pool.

It was great fun to have help with farm chores!
At the end of the day, after we tucked the animals in for the night,
I showed him my magical place beneath the grape arbor.

He agreed that it was quite magical, indeed.

"Thank you for showing me this, Grammie," he said,
"I love you even more than I did before."
My heart melted!

It was a very special day....just the first of five special days.

I must say.... by the end of the day we were both exhausted!

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