

Here on the farm
it is hard to stay sad....

with so many smiles...

 surrounding me....

and friends...

 who won't let me out of their sight.

Dear friends,
I am humbled by your generous spirit...
offering us condolences and sharing your own losses with us.
Some of your comments made me weep.
Worry not, though, because most likely I would have been weeping anyway.

So many of you I have never met in person and yet you feel like old friends.
You have made our farm part of your life...
and are always there to share both the happy and the sad.
Truly... I thank you.

I cannot dwell in the sad,
but instead must immerse myself in all that is beautiful about life.

the innocence of children....

their adventurous spirits...

and kind hearts...

May we all take a lesson from them...
and love without reservation,
(holding each other's hands makes the rough patches so much easier)

live with wild abandon,

and always be amazed and full of wonder at this beautiful world.

In spite of all the bad things that happen (all you have to do is turn on the news),
I know in my heart that there is still so much more that is good and kind and gentle
in this world.
I see evidence of it every day.
So glad you stop by looking for it also!!

PS:  Special thanks to Julie for bringing Mia to the farm this past weekend.
Tyler was quite smitten!

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