Frittering Away in The Heat

Frittering Away in The Heat

What do Sam....

Red Fred....

and Milford have in common?

They are panting!!

Remember last week when I talked about skipping through the chores
on an Autumn-like breeze?
Well Summer must have heard me and decided to stop slacking.
She's back with a vengeance.
I am told, though, we only have two hot days to suffer through and then it's 
back to cooler temperatures.

The donkeys could care less.
Heat never seems to bother them.
In fact, they prefer to stand in the sun over a cool spot in the shade!

And the goats?  Well, as long as dinner is on time,
they don't care about the temperature!

As for me...
I'm heading for the shade and with a tall, cool drink!l
And maybe one of these...

I took pears, sliced them, dipped them in batter, fried in sunflower oil,
and sprinkled with cinnamon sugar, others in confectioners' sugar.
Pear Fritters! (Recipe here.)
Easy and delicious.

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