From PolitiCalypso

From PolitiCalypso

PolitiCalypso speaks out about the flap with Dave "Mudcat" Saunders' post "Go Ahead And Shoot At Me".

I am sure it is difficult to relate to people who live in a completely different manner than what one is used to. In the book To Kill a Mockingbird (set in a small town in Alabama, incidentally), progressive lawyer Atticus Finch advises his children not to judge anyone until they've walked a mile in their shoes. It's a lesson that many people on the Internet could learn.

As a white southerner I am so tired of being saddled with negative stereotypes merely because I was born and choose to live in a certain state. Those same liberals that bash southerners bash homeschoolers because they are convinced we are all religious fundamentalist so the negative stereotypes multiply, maybe if they tried walking in our shoes they would learn something.

- The Truth About Homeschoolers
Why do people feel the need to bash homeschooling. I respect wrekehavoc's right to send her children to public school, why doesn't she respect my right to homeschool? Her post home(school) is anywhere you hang your head is full of BS. First she...

- Stupid Comments Of Public School Jingoist
Lately I have read with amusement the comments on some blogs by non-homeschoolers bashing homeschooling. You would think if they were going to comment on another parents educational choice they would at least take the time to find out something about...

- Alasandra's Book Club~the God Delusion By Richard Dawkins
Complete and utter rubbish comes to mind. I read the book in the hopes of understanding atheist better, instead of explaining why atheist believe what they do he spent the majority of the book bashing religion. Any and all religions. The stated goal of...

- Do Homeschool Parents Suffer From Discordance?
Greg had this to say about homeschoolers and why our kids are "different" The choice to home school is very often an indicator of some kind of discordance or mismatch between the way parents perceive the world their children would enter in regular school...

- From The Cafe
Read Natalie's post Formulaic homeschool article at the Cafe. It's a pity that the only homeschoolers that get included in newspaper articles are the Christian Fundamentalist Group Leaders. Wouldn't it be nice if they included some Free-Thinkers,...

