From The BHA Broadcasting Network.....

From The BHA Broadcasting Network.....

"Roy Boy, here, reporting live for HLN
(that's Hen-Line News)
from Bee Haven Acres."

"It seems there's been a little fowl play in the henhouse this week.
Apparently someone has been cannibalizing eggs...
cracking them open and eating their contents."

"A little investigative journalism (by a very handsome ace rooster reporter)
has revealed some very convincing evidence."

"Miss Beulah Eggbeater (evidently on-strike from laying eggs herself),
 has been caught red-taloned and charged with 
theft, destruction of property, and willful misconduct."

"The case was tried by The Honorable TomTom the Omnipresent."

"And after a moment of personal deliberation...."

"A guilty verdict was handed down to the defendant."

"Miss Beulah Eggbeater was released to the custody of Gus Guinea with a warning."

"Judge TomTom admonished...'If you, young lady are ever caught committing these
heinous crimes again, the punishment for a second offense will be the soup kettle!' "

"This is RoyBoy, super sleuth, ace reporter for HLN signing off.
Have a great weekend, folks!"

Heard before the audio portion of our show was turned off:
"Can anyone tell me what the heck I stepped in?"

Thanks for stopping by the farm!
Have a wonderful weekend.
We hope to see you back on Monday for more Tails from the Farm!!

- A Fowl Tail....
"The corn is as high as an elephant's eyeAnd it looks like it's climbing clear up to the sky. Oh, what a beautiful Mornin'Oh, what a beautiful day."Yes, this year the corn is growing faster than ever...thanks to the abundant rainfall we have...

- The Calmer Side Of Equines
After yesterday's post about Sid's nose injury...(oh and I loved the comment about how perhaps he was just trying to get a nose job out of the incident!) I thought I would show you the calmer side of the Bee Haven Acres equines. That...

- The Rooster Saga Continues (and Happy Birthday Hubbs!!!)
I won't bore you by telling this whole tale from the beginning.  But I will summarize for those of you who are new to my blog.  This past summer I ordered 25 fancy chicks.  I also ordered a very colorful rooster chick (enter Hank)....

- Another Cat Tale
The other evening my last stop for the afternoon feeding was the feed the kitties. Most afternoons, when I walk through the barn door, I have to watch my step. There are usually three kitties trying to cozy up to me, wrapping themselves around...

- Guinea Eggs
Well, our young guineas have begun laying. They lay the cutest little, brown eggs. We have been letting them free range every day; and at night they return to their henhouse to roost. They lay their eggs in the henhouse. We have to quickly snatch them...

