From the Blog World

From the Blog World

Edspresso explains why Greg is wrong, in the post The collectivist argument against choice.

Congress should restore parental rights in public schools according to Phyllis Schlafly.

Bryan Killian faces religious discrimination in his North Carolina Public School. HT: O'Donnell Web.

Illegal Alien runs down student on spring break.

- Is He Really A Homeschooler?
Is a teen who left the public school system because of bullying really a homeschooler? Greg thinks so another 14-year old home schooled boy was arrested in a Philadelphia area suburb, having been found in possession of an arsenal of weapons and explosives,...

- Do Homeschool Parents Suffer From Discordance?
Greg had this to say about homeschoolers and why our kids are "different" The choice to home school is very often an indicator of some kind of discordance or mismatch between the way parents perceive the world their children would enter in regular school...

- Carnival Of Education
I visited the Carnival of Education today. There are some outstanding post. One of the most troubling from HorseSense & Nonsense in the post Teacher Watch: LAUSD--How Much Money to Protect Bullies? tells how a teacher became a victim of student bullies...

- Study: State Ranks Lowest In Education
Mississippi ranked last in K-12 achievement and below average in fourth-grade math and reading, eighth-grade math and reading and the public school graduation rate. That's right last, so maybe Mr. Bounds should spend more time worrying about how...

- School Violence Soundoffs
More soundoffs about Bay High Brawls What about the parents? • Responding to "Fighting won't stop": The writer is a perfect example of a kid with no proper upbringing, no respect and no responsibility. I agree with the statement that being cool...

