From the Cafe

From the Cafe

Be sure to drop by the Homeschool Cafe, grab a cup of coffee and read Natalie's post. First she ask Who is an independent homeschooler? and offers resources for them, then in Sticking it to science she tells how
The Cobb County board agreed in federal court never to use a similar sticker or to undermine the teaching of evolution in science classes.
Bounds, Budgets and BS offers a partial motive for Bounds sudden interest in homeschooling.

- January Musings: The Carnival Of Homeschooling Week 56
I can certainly relate to the January doldrums as it has been overcast here for weeks. I am feeling depressed and stressed without the sunshine I love, so it was great to have a chance to peruse January Musings: The Carnival of Homeschooling Week 56....

- Mississippi Returns To The Dark Ages
HB 625 - Introduced by Representative Mike Lott, would require the teaching of creationism or intelligent design in SCIENCE classrooms if evolution is taught The school board of a school district may allow the teaching of creationism or intelligent design...

- Homeschool Regulation: The Revenge Of The Failures
Visit WorldNetDaily to read Homeschool regulation: The revenge of the failures by Bruce N. Shortt, Ph.D. By attacking homeschool parents, Bounds is playing a familiar game. The goal is to distract the public's attention from the abject failure of...

- Evolution Resource
For those of you teaching evolution check out PBS's Evolution Project. I discovered a blog I really like Red State Rabble, they seem to cover evolution, science, separation of church and state, civil liberties and censorship. Wonderful evolution and...

- From The Cafe
Visit the Homeschool Cafe to read Natalie's post Homeschool Quandary and learn about Superintendent of Education Hank Bounds plans for homeschoolers in Mississippi. Wouldn't it be nice if he would work on solving the problems in the public school...

