Spring Fever...the Donkey Way

Spring Fever...the Donkey Way

Spring does crazy things to us all!

I am really not sure what was up with Chloe and Daphne yesterday,

when they came in to their dry lot from having pasture time,
they were all wound up.

They kept spinning circles...
nose to butt...

nibbling on each other...

and then trying...


mount each other.

I have absolutely no idea what got into them.
They are sisters, for Pete's sake!

They took turns "riding piggyback"...
and biting each other at the withers.

I have to chalk it up to the presence of Spring
and the fact that it makes us all feel a little wild and crazy!

I spent the day cleaning up garden boxes (more),
raking leaves,
and finishing this slouchy hat.

Colleen:  "Can you please tell me what types of flowers/plants to use in a fairy garden? 
and how to keep them from taking over?? "

The following are pictures of last year's fairy garden.  
I usually use a mixture of tiny plants and larger ones.
Most garden centers have an area devoted to miniature plants.

Some ideas are: varieties of thyme, baby tears, blue star creeper, cranesbill, brass buttons,
rosemary, moss, hens and chicks and small succulents.
In order to keep them small,  it is necessary to prune them often.

I got a little behind in my pruning last year, and my fairy garden
turned into somewhat of a jungle!

This Spring I will re-do it all, as most of the plants were annuals.

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