Gardening Note & Geese

Gardening Note & Geese

Yesterday my neighbor across the street gave me a different variety of strawberries and some Johnny Jump Up, so I got those planted yesterday afternoon. We had a rain storm that morning and lost electricity so my apologies for not visiting.

Wednesday when Fenris and I took the stuff to the burn pile we noticed that one of the adult geese was missing. Thursday the remaining adult was missing along with the goslings. I hope they are OK. Easter while we were gone the beaver broke the dam and drained the pond until it was nothing but a mud hole, so the island was no longer inaccessible unless you wanted to swim. Until it rained yesterday if you wanted to walk through mud you could reach the island. The pond is still way down (even after the rainstorm yesterday morning), hopefully we will get enough rain soon to fill it back up before the grass starts growing in it. 

- Spring (flashback) Wild Bird Wednesday
Many of you know that we won the Tarrot Reading from Athena & Marie. It was very hard deciding who to get the reading for, but since Tuiren came to us as an adult and we know very little about her past, we decided to let her have the reading. The...

- Wildlife Wednesday & Happy Birthday Marg
Graphic by Ann of ZoolatryOur friend Marg from Marg's Animals is having a birthday today. We want to wish her a Happy Birthday. She is a good friend who helps all in the cat/dog/donkey/etc blogosphere, we have really enjoyed getting to know her and...

- Saturday Sharing
The goslings are growing up. They came very close to Mommy when she was in the Hummingbird Cottage. Can you see the babies. They are camouflaged good in the grass. Our geese are very well behaved but we are thankful it is only ONE family. Further down...

- Thursday In The Garden
The Wisteria is simply gorgeous when it blooms, we wish it bloomed all year. The Verbena in this bed is doing better. We needs to get some more to feel in the gaps. Bugleweed We got too much rain at one time and the pretty blue flowers and the Phlox died....

- Duck, Duck, Dog
Yesterday afternoon, after chores,the dogs and I headed down to the pond to check on the ducks. They are really enjoying their pond time each day.Every morning, Methuselah, our old Campbell duck, is waiting on the shore beside the duck hut....pacing...waiting...

