Gardening Update

Gardening Update

The bugle weed around Whiskers' grave is growing nicely.

I love the deep red color of this hibiscus.

This is a new addition to the Whiskers' Memorial Butterfly Garden. It is a Sweet Shrub, while the flowers aren't very showy they are extremely fragrant.

My next door neighbor gave me these beautiful annuals (begonia, marigold, petunia), which I couldn't resist putting in this whimsical teacup. For some reason I think Alice in Wonderland every time I see it.

- Butterfly Garden ~ Party For Charlie ~ Flower Show Day 2 Post 1
I (Scylla) am very glad you could join me, in the Whiskers Memorial Butterfly Garden.  This is a Vitex, we are going to let ours be a shrub.  Our Butterfly Bush Bottlebrush  Lantana  Whiskers' Grave  And as promised a butterfly......................................

- Memorial. ~ Photo Hunt
The Whiskers MEMORIAL Butterfly Garden was created as a MEMORIAL to Whiskers. He died March 2007 of kidney failure as a result of the Petfood Recall. When Charybdis died she was buried with Whiskers in the Whiskers MEMORIAL Butterfly Garden and we placed...

- In The Garden
The Nasturtium is blooming. This is the first time I have planted them so I didn't know what to expect. This is the Empress of India color. If they do well I may try to get some different colors next year and plant a bed of them. This is the Blue...

- Butterfly Garden Update
Youngest son and I saw this lovely tree when we were at the nursery to pick up some plants. It is a Bottlebrush Tree also known as Callistemon rigidus, native to Australia. The price tag was a bit steep for us, so I will try to find it in a smaller size....

- The Whiskers Memorial Butterfly Garden
We are all still grieving over the loss of Whiskers. In order to honor his memory we have decided to create a butterfly garden around his grave site. He enjoyed being around his family and this will give us a peaceful spot to sit close to his grave and...

