Getting ready for the pawm by Arty

Getting ready for the pawm by Arty

I isn't showing you any pictures so you can be surprised about how good we all look on the big day. But boy are pawms lots of work for us girls. First I took pity on my brother Fenris. He doesn't have a girlfriend to take him in paw and dress him properly so I had to do it. I summoned Prince Casper to my side and the three of us went shopping.  My prince has impeccable taste so we found him a tux right away. Fenris needed a little more guidance with his selection, but he looks very debonair now if I do say so myself. But oh my didn't we have a time trying to find a tux to fits his huge self. I wanted a blue vest to go with his eyes, but they didn't have one in his size so we had to settle for a dark red one. He has kinda reddish furs, so it looks good on him   OK, I will show you a picture of Fenris, who knows some girl doggie may be overwhelmed by his handsomeness and make a play for him at the  pawm. He is going stag girls, so all you unattached girl doggies here is your chance to make a move on him.

Just call me Wolf, Fenris Wolf

Some of the girls have dance cards and he already has his name on some of them, so you might want to ask him for a dance now, if you don't want to be left out. I thinks I did an excellent job dressing him if I do say so myself. He cleans up pretty good for a dawg and he dances divinely. I have been teaching him ballroom dancing.

Then of course I had to find myself something to wear. This is the first fancy event I has been too so I didn't have a thing in my closet. Scylla, MoMo and I have of course made arrangements for facials, manicures, pedicures and hair styling before the big event. I thinks I am even going to get a massage after all the hard work I did getting everyone ready I deserves it.  ~Artemisia

- Fenris Friday
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- Happy Valentines!!!!!!!!
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- Photo Hunt Yellow ~ Party @ Asta's
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- Product Review ~ Cat Quest
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- Momo's Birthday/gotcha Day
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