Girlz Night Out

Girlz Night Out

This is going to be so much fun. Be sure to check out all the participating blogs. Me and Tuiren are having so much fun.

 I don't hunt that much, but...................

 I do likes to fish in the pond.

 You has to be careful not to fall in though.

Dory's Backyard Teddy Bear Tea Party is our first stop.
Next we went to Madi's ME-ssage and Spa Day.
And then we went to Hailey's for some hunting, camping and fishing, and other outdoor funs.

~Scylla, reporting for ATCAD

- Madi's Box Bash
We just found out about the Box Bash for Madi at Sarge's you'll want to check back frequently throughout the day to see all the wonderful boxes Madi is getting. As usual we are a day late finding out about things, good help is so hard to find,...

- Calling All Clowns By Tuiren
Remember I needs you clown pictures by Feb 1st. The debonair 007 was my very first victim clown.  Who is going to be brave enough to join him in my clown tent?  CATS you are most welcome to come to the circus and send me your clown pictures....

- Tsarina Tuesday
I am the chief gardening cat around here. I am trying to decide what should go in this bed, besides me of course. I thinks I look purrfect here, don't you? I am thinking honeysuckle and Gaura would look nice in here. Our single specimen survived the...

- Thank You Islay
Islay gave us this lovely award. For those of you who haven't meet Islay yet, he is a handsome pup who blogs at Charlie's Dog Blog. We are suppose to tell 7 things about ourselves and pass this award on to 15 bloggers who you have recently discovered...

- It's Bear Season
This week marked the beginning of black bear hunting season. No, the bears are not hunting. I tried to explain this to Becky's horses, but they were not convinced. They were sure that they had seen a bear....and if this is the first day of bear season,...

