Godspead Mickey Mantle

Godspead Mickey Mantle

Jeter Harris has lost his beloved brother Mickey Mantle. They are also still coping with the destruction Hurricane Sandy brought into their lives.

- Scylla Was Tagged
I was tagged by my boyfriend Brian so I guess that means I’m it. If you don’t know Brian, you should visit him, he works really hard to get cats adopted into loving homes. He has lots of questions for me to answer so I guesses I better get started....

- Ain't Life Grand
Fin gave us this GRAND award. The Life Is Grand Award has the following rules, tell 5 reasons why you think life is grand and then pass it on to 5 more blogs. Ok Life is Grand Because There are lots of really pretty flowers blooming.We have a family that...

- Twins On Tuesday
Where is our fence?????? This picture was taken Christmas morn, we are looking for our doggie. Some of you know that Sandy Claws promised that we could rescue a doggie for Christmas. He just had one stipulation, Daddy had to build us a fence before...

- How Could They Be So Wrong?
PolitiCalypso posted Insurance Industry Issues Veiled Threat to the Gulf Coast at DailyKos. Some of the comments were infuriating to say the least. Yes, State Farm made some serious mistakes in handling their Mississippi and Louisiana claims, but folks...

- It Really Is....
...beginning to look a whole lot like Christmas around here! I spent much of yesterday decorating for Christmas.At this point I can show you the living room tree... Woodland critters is the theme for the living room. The mantle above the fireplace......

