Twins on Tuesday

Twins on Tuesday

Where is our fence??????

This picture was taken Christmas morn, we are looking for our doggie. Some of you know that Sandy Claws promised that we could rescue a doggie for Christmas. He just had one stipulation, Daddy had to build us a fence before he would bring us a doggie. Well even though Daddy bean worked very hard to get our fence up before Christmas and even took off from his job to work on the fence, it didn't get finished. He does have all the post up and he said that was the hardest part. But his job sent him to Sandy Eggo right after Christmas (Girls Daddy is in San Diego not Sandy Eggo), so Daddy will not be able to do anymore work on the fence until the end of January. Sandy Claws said this guy will have to bring us our doggie.

Don't worry, we weren't too blue cause Sandy Claws brought lots of neat stuff to make up for the missing doggie. We got Greenies (those are so good), Chicken Soup Cat Food (if you haven't tried it you should, it's great) our very own electric blanket for the garage and some toys. We will tell you about the toys later.

- Welcome Home Daddy

- Thursday Not In The Garden
 Mommy hasn't had a chance to take any pictures outside so we thought we would show you our tree.  The Angel Whiskers Ornament.  The Blue Egg Daddy got from Sandy Eggo.  The Angel Charybdis Ornament.  Eldest Boy Bean made...

- The Perfect Doggie For Us
We have been reading Member of the Family by Cesar Millan. He even tells how to introduce a doggie to us cats in this book. We are sure our doggie will think we are superior pack leaders and obey our orders, thanks to Cesar. This is from the book "If...

- Mancat Monday ~ Socks
Mommy comes home today. She spent the weekend in Sandy Eggo with Daddy. Don't worry the boy beans were left behind to feed us and clean our litter boxes. But I have to admit I missed my Mommy. I wonder when she will get here.............. ...

- Mommy's Christmas Present By Scylla & Charybdis
December 8, 2007 Daddy is giving Mommy a Greenhouse for Christmas. This is where he plans to put it (We think you can see the stakes if you enlarge the picture). Lord Epa is helping Daddy measure the thing-mi-jigs. Daddy is working very hard on it, but...

