Water Water Everywhere!

Water Water Everywhere!

I am so happy to report that
after three solid days of rain,
our snow has melted! 
Our grass is even beginning to turn green.

This may seem like no big deal.
But, we have had snow on the ground,
with the exception of one unseasonably warm week
in January, since before Christmas.

I love snow, I am not complaining.
But....oh how I love Spring!

Unfortunately, with Spring comes showers.
With showers comes flooding.

We are a soupy mess right now.
The chicken yards are muddy.

Not that the chickens care.

They are just happy to be able to find the grass again.

The goat yards are muddy.

The goats care...they hate rain.

Two pregnant goats...stuffed into one house...to avoid...
the rain!

The pond is almost overflowing.

The duck doesn't care...(about much of anything).

The pastures have rivers flowing through them.

The dry lot is a wet lot.
The horses are ok with that....they are one with the mud.
I just couldn't bear to take a picture of my muddy bedraggled boys...
You might think me a terrible mother.
Suffice it to say that right now you cannot tell
 what color any of the horses truly are.

 PS: my gator with its wonderful roof came back to me Saturday morning...
goodbye silly rain hats!
Thanks Tama and all of our friends at Valley Ag and Turf.
You keep us running in tip top shape!!


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