Hope by Scylla

Hope by Scylla

I HOPE spring comes soon, I do not like winter. I also HOPE this sunshine sticks around for awhile, I am very tired of rain.


- Mancat Monday
Mommy thinks it is weird that I don't mind walking in water, in fact if it is hot out I will even lay down in it. Do you like playing in water? Do you thinks I am weird? What weird things do your parents think you do? ~Socks, inquiring for ATCAD Happy...

- Winter's Palette
Ok, so I have been a bit spoiled with this winter's weather.We have had more balmy 50 degree days than ever in my lifetime.I honestly can say that I have not suffered through frigid temps at all this year. Just so that I don't get comfortable,...

Yesterday was a gift.After so many rainy days,we had blue skies, light breezes and plenty of sunshine.The pastures radiated green energy. It was the perfect afternoon for grazing.And so the horses spent some time consuming that green energy.They also...

- In Need Of A Life Raft
Will someone please throw me a life preserver?I am afraid that very soonI might justfloat away...... After Sunday's snowstorm deposited 6 inches,we have had nothing but rain, rain, rain.The ground is super saturated and will soak up not a drop...

- Still, Life.....
....remains held within Winter's icy clutch.... Winter months seem long. Even more so when I read friends' blogs from warmer climates. Here in Pennsylvania it feels as though Spring is still so far away. Most days are grey, the winds remain frigid,...

