In Need of a Life Raft

In Need of a Life Raft

Will someone please throw me a life preserver?
I am afraid that very soon
I might just

After Sunday's snowstorm deposited 6 inches,
we have had nothing but rain, rain, rain.
The ground is super saturated and will soak up not a drop more.

Local streams and rivers are swelling,
their waters flowing swiftly and deeply.

Our pond crested yesterday afternoon,
the excess spilling wildly over the spillway....
the outflow pipe apparently clogged.

I grabbed a long hook tool,
extracted a bunch of sticks and debris,
and immediately a whirlpool started....

and gallons upon gallons of overflow poured out of the 
opposite end of the pipe;
creating a river of water down through the woods.

Our pastures are under water...

As are the chicken yards...

The horses have 2 stalls open and 2 run-in sheds available to escape the rain.
 Do they use them?  
Of course not. 

Instead, they stand outside
making me feel guilty.
As if it is my fault the weather is so miserable!

And the chickens....
well, most of them have the sense to stay indoors.
Except Rod.

Have you ever seen a sadder looking fellow?
This silly guy is just too nosey to stay indoors...
he's always afraid that he might miss something.
And so he stands out in the pouring rain....
crowing his heart out!

So, I am looking for something positive about all of this water.
 It will help our water table for the coming summer.
And, we should have a beautifully green spring as a result.

I guess I will have to hang on to that thought,
as I dress myself in waterproof rain gear, muck boots, and water wings
and head out to embrace the rain.

I hope that wherever you are, you are warm and dry and 
taking this opportunity to finish all of your indoor projects!
Keep sunny thoughts....
eventually we will see that sun again.

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