Our Remodeling Adventure ~Part 2

Our Remodeling Adventure ~Part 2

Lord Epa's bedroom was a breeze as all we did was replace the windows, paint, install a ceiling fan (we replaced all the light fixtures in the bedrooms, study, family room and dining room with ceiling fans) and add some shelves. Shining Celebi's bedroom was a bit trickier. Both kids have really small bedrooms, to add insult to injury Shining Celebi had a huge closet. So we took part of the closet and created a study nook where we put his desk.

Somebody got the bright idea they wanted wallpaper floor to ceiling in the hall. This caused lots of angst among the hangers (Hubby and I) who had no idea what they were doing. Although it does look nice.

The hardest part of the study was getting the desk out so we could put the carpet in then putting the desk back in. We wound up taking it in and out the window.

The kids bathroom presented lots of challenges. Darling Daddy claimed to be too old to lay tile so Hubby had to do it himself. The kids used algebra to determine how much tile we would need. We also had them figure out the price of the tile. Shining Celebi got to learn the joys of grouting and I got to destroy my hands trying to get the "guides" out. We literally replaced everything in the kids bathroom and added a cabinet over the commode.

We still have the utility room to remodel. We also want to add a cement driveway, screened in back porch and do some major landscaping when we have the time and money.

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