How I Spent My Morning

How I Spent My Morning

I spent my morning creating a Boer Goat themed blog design for my Dad's blog, Stonewall's Boer Goats. I think it turned out pretty well considering I did it all by myself with no help from eldest son.

- Thanks Mrs Ann Of Zoolatry
Many of you know that Mrs Ann of Zoolatry did our lovely header.  But the talented Mrs Ann also works with other animals besides cats and dogs. She came up with a great header for our Grandpa's blog Stonewall's Boer Goats.  We are...

- Stonewall's Boer Goats: November Goats
Mommy took some pictures of Grandpa's Goats when she was in Meridian. Stonewall's Boer Goats: November Goats ...

- Thanks Mrs. Ann
We asked Mrs. Ann of Zoolatry to make a new header for our Grandpa's blog. She did a fabulous job and when Mommy showed it to him this weekend he LOVED it. IF they ever get high speed Internet Mommy is going to show him how to upload pictures of his...

- Happy Birthday Grandpa
Today is our Grandpa's Birthday, you can wish him a Happy Birthday at his blog Stonewall's Boer Goats and yeah he makes Mommy do the posting. ...

- Charybdis On Tuesday
I am feeling playful. I have been playing with our ball and blue mousie. The blue mousie has me pinned. But in the end I pin the blue mousie. Please say an extra prayer for Jackson today.We have been trying to think of a way to help our furr friends...

