Thanks Mrs Ann of Zoolatry

Thanks Mrs Ann of Zoolatry

Many of you know that Mrs Ann of Zoolatry did our lovely header.  But the talented Mrs Ann also works with other animals besides cats and dogs. She came up with a great header for our Grandpa's blog Stonewall's Boer Goats. 

We are positive that no matter what the subject matter of your blog she could come up with the purrfect header for you, and she is a pleasure to work with. So if you are in need of a blog make over contact Mrs Ann, she can do a  complete makeover with a new background and template and everything. She also creates sidebar TAGS and blog post pictures for your special days and events.

Whatever you need we are sure Mrs Ann can come up with something creative and purrfect just for you.

- Help Callie Get Out Of The Kill Shelter #adoptacatmonth

- Wequest Wednesday
As you have probably noticed we gave our blog a new look for Fall. We love the background and the header but we wonder if having the background of the blog post in bright yellow is to much, so we would like feedback from you. Does the yellow background...

- Thanks Mrs Ann
Mrs Ann has worked her magic and we now has a lovely header for spring, she also made the nice graphic of our Angels Whiskers and Charybdis that is on the right (toward the bottom) and that we find particularly touching. If you are unfamiliar...

- Charybdis On Tuesday
I am feeling playful. I have been playing with our ball and blue mousie. The blue mousie has me pinned. But in the end I pin the blue mousie. Please say an extra prayer for Jackson today.We have been trying to think of a way to help our furr friends...

- How I Spent My Morning
I spent my morning creating a Boer Goat themed blog design for my Dad's blog, Stonewall's Boer Goats. I think it turned out pretty well considering I did it all by myself with no help from eldest son. ...

