How To Eat Like A Pig

How To Eat Like A Pig

We humans use the expression "Don't eat like a pig!" quite often.
do we really know what it's like to eat like a pig.
I am sure that most don't.

So, in order to assure that your education is complete...
I thought I would give you a lesson.

Remember...practice makes perfect.
With a little bit of effort, you will master this technique in no time!

And remember, it's perfectly acceptable to drink out of the pool on a really hot day...

or if you are really thirsty!

And before I forget...I received a comment last week asking if pigs really have curly tails.

Yes, they do...sometimes (but not like a corkscrew, however).  
They have the ability to curl their tails, but like many animals, use their tails to keep the flies away.
So, most of the time their little tail is uncurled and put to good use!

Oh, and I thought you might like to see what I have been up to in my spare time...

I love, love, love leather jewelry.
So, I have tried my hand at making some...for gifts and to sell.
If you are me...and I can give you prices and details.

Enjoy your weekend.

We are having a quiet weekend at home...our first in many weeks.
I hope to attend a public auction on Saturday morning...
and plan to bid on something just perfect for the farm.

Check back in on Monday...
hopefully I will be able to show it to you.

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