Please Excuse Me....

Please Excuse Me....

Please excuse me while I take today off from blogging.
We have out-of-town guests with us for a few days.

And....I am busy consuming this pie!

Peach crumble pie the history of pie...ever.
The secret?  peaches frozen from this past summer's harvest...
yummy crumbs with pecans on top.
Every once in a while, everything comes together to make....

I can brag about this pie, because for this one perfect pie, I have made many imperfect ones.

I thought you might get a kick out of the sign that hangs above my stove....

There is just one problem...
dogs cannot read!
The kitchen is their favorite room.... of course.

I'll be back Monday... with more Tails From The Farm!
Have a great weekend.

And remember, if life gets you down....EAT PIE!!

- How To Eat Like A Pig
We humans use the expression "Don't eat like a pig!" quite we really know what it's like to eat like a pig.I am sure that most don't. So, in order to assure that your education is complete...I thought I would give you a lesson....

- I May Have Lost My Mind
Just between you and me,I think that I may have lost my ever-loving-mind! Remember several days ago, as I lamented that Methuselah, our elder duck,had gone missing?Remember that I said how a Mallard had taken his place?Remember? Well, Hubbs pointed out...

- Hay Here, Hay There, Hay Everywhere!
If you have read my blog for a while,then you will know that what I am about to tell you I say with great jubilation!We have hay.Dry hay.Hay that will be baled by the end of the day.The end of worries about animal feed for winter.Hay. I cannot tell you...

- Wild And Wonderful Weekends
To you, reading this blog, it might seem like the everyday routine on the farmis awfully busy.And although you are right, it is busy....there is a sort of rhythm to the work.It is all very quiet, usually calm and completely peaceful tending to daily chores....

- Friday Smiles From Maddie And Her Piggies
It has been a perfectly perfect week on the farm.Cool nights and warm (but not hot) days have re-energized me.It is so much easier to harvest and put up the veggies when the weather is cooler! Scattered storms have timed themselves so that I could take...

