I Am Finished, Finally....I Think!

I Am Finished, Finally....I Think!

Happy First of June!

I'm not sure, but I think my breathing has returned to a healthy rate.
For the past week I have been hyperventilating I am sure....
racing around this farm like a madwoman...
mowing, trimming, painting, weeding, planting, watering,
grooming, clipping, rasping, bathing,
until everyone and everything is pristine.

Now if we can just keep the rain away so that everybody and everything does not get mucky again,
I will be one happy little farm gal!

I wanted to show you how spiffy everyone and everything looks,
so today's post is mostly pictures...

The vegetable garden...

The barn...

The grape arbor and field and pastures...

The horses and donkeys... (ok, they still need a little work)

The dogs (with fresh summer haircuts)...
(Did I mention that between 5 horses, 2 donkeys and 3 dogs, 
I burn through a set of clippers each Spring!)

The pigs...

The goats...

The turkeys (wouldn't let me groom them if their life depended on it!)

All of my gardens are in full regalia...

every flower is showing its lovely face!

Now if I could just freeze it all...
and have it stay just like it is at this moment...
oh, how much easier life would be...
and how splendiferously beautiful, too!

PS:  I just love old fashioned roses,
but I've got to say, those "Knock-out" roses they sell now
sure are nice landscaping additions.
And they just keep giving and giving...
taking nothing for themselves!

And PPS....I am totally in love with this flower...
the Delphinium.

Such an old fashioned flower.
Have you ever seen such beautiful color?
Sadly this plant is a biennial.
It has a two year lifespan,
and only in one of those years does it bloom.
I can only hope this lovely creature re-seeds itself for us to enjoy in years to come.

I hope you have a perfect weekend.
Ours will be filled with farm visitors and hay rides and good ole fashioned picnic fun!
See you on Monday with "tails" from the weekend.

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