I Am More Thankful After Thanksgiving Than I Was Before!

I Am More Thankful After Thanksgiving Than I Was Before!

Thanksgiving continues to be my favorite holiday...
it's just one that never disappoints.
And this year was no exception!

After three days of baking and cooking, we had a feast.
There were 13 around our table this year...4 generations!

I will attest to the fact that roasted Cinderella pumpkins are superb for baking projects,
as ours became pumpkin pie, whoopee pies, and pumpkin spice donuts.
Mmmmm - mmmm!

We brined and smoked a turkey this year...
it was out best turkey ever!
With that we had stuffing and lots of veggie side dishes.

I made these little burlap pockets for our silverware.

Sixty degree weather brought us outdoors for an after dinner walk.
We headed out for a family portrait on the pirate ship...

From left to right....  Muppy, Grammie, Ryan, 5 yr. old Tyler, his Mommy- Jenn and Daddy- Bryan, Baby Mackenzie,
her Mommy- Ashley and her Daddy- Andy, and the newlyweds Tim and Amanda.
We stopped to visit with Ginger and MaryAnn...

And then spent some time playing in Hubbs' home-made batting cage in the indoor arena.

We tried to get some holiday photos and learned that this is an activity for earlier in the day
when cooperation is at a peak.

But still, it's always nice to catch a photo of these two together!

Rare to be caught in photos is Ryan, Amanda's twin.
He lives in North Carolina and usually only makes it home a few times a year.
It was his first time to meet Mackenzie.

He and Tyler spent a little quality time playing a dinosaur video game together.

Scenes like that just melt my heart!

Thanksgiving is now just a warm and wonderful memory,
and we are back to the ebb and flow of daily life on the farm.
We always feel a touch of nostalgia when a holiday is over...
but I have to say, having all of our critters to care for makes that nostalgia short-lived!

To all my wonderful family...
thank you for making my day perfect.
Just spending it with all of you makes it the best ever!

I don't know about you, but I am having a hard time believing that tomorrow is the first of December!

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