I May Have Lost My Mind

I May Have Lost My Mind

Just between you and me,
I think that I may have lost my ever-loving-mind!

Remember several days ago, as I lamented that Methuselah, our elder duck,
had gone missing?
Remember that I said how a Mallard had taken his place?

Well, Hubbs pointed out to me this weekend,
that that Mallard was not a Mallard at all,
but was indeed Methuselah.

Now, to me he looks different...somehow brighter and showier than
our old khaki Campbell, Methuselah.

But alas...
he is one in the same,
and I am most surely embarrassed
and of course entirely relieved!

So please excuse me as I offer this retraction.
Methuselah lives on...to continue to earn his name.
As I hang my head in shame...
I've lost it!

Oh well, let's get on with it....

I have a few pictures from the weekend to share with you.

as we were standing at the kitchen sink, washing eggs yesterday,
the sunlight filtered through the kitchen window and just happened to hit
this bunch of daisies perfectly...

for a moment I saw a glimpse of summer.
I took a deep breath and felt the energy of plant life enter my soul...
and for the first time in weeks felt filled with hope.

We had weekend guests...friends of Amanda.
The animals were very glad to have company...
anything to break the monotony of a snowy winter.

Crackers for goats...

Belly rubs for piggies...

And a little extra dose of loving for the horses...

I believe I see a smile on Moonbeam's lips!
He loves girls.

And here is little Red, peaking through the fence.
Do you see what I see?

Do you see this cute little smiley face?
Now, look back at the above picture.
Red has a natural smiley face!
We never noticed that before this weekend!

And last, but certainly not least...
Amanda baked an orange-poppyseed cake this weekend with orange frosting.

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