And Then There Was Sam....

And Then There Was Sam....

Life happens.
You make plans.
You change plans.
You make new plans.
Life happens.


Dogs happen.
You bring a dog into the family.
You get a second dog to keep the first one company.
The first one ages, so you add another dog to keep the second
one company, should the first one pass.

Then you hear of an unfortunate dear headed to the pound...
and at 15 years of age, you realize that no one would want her.
So you adopt another dog.

At this point you tell yourself that 4 dogs is the absolute limit.
No more dogs.

And then along comes Sam.
Sam, 45 pounds of love and energy.

Sam is my son Andy's dog.  
Sam is about 2 years old.  
He was a shelter dog.
He was sold to Andy as a lab mix puppy.
We think he is mostly Vizsla.
He is very very energetic and suffers from separation anxiety.

His separation anxiety is so bad that Andy received these pictures
and a letter from his homeowners association.
This is apparently what Sam did while Andy was at work....

Apparently, missing his Daddy, Sam would
crawl out through the kitchen window and sit on the front porch roof
waiting for his Daddy to come home from work.
Upon arriving home, Andy would find Sam sleeping on the couch.
The letter from the homeowners association was almost incredulous,
but pictures don't lie.
Notice, one picture was from far so that Andy could recognize his house,
and the other from close up, so he could recognize his dog.

Andy's life is in transition now...
From North Carolina back to Pennsylvania.
New job.
Trying to find a new place to live.
All of this keeps him away from Sam for too many hours each day.

And that makes Sam very unhappy.
And when Sam is unhappy he gets into trouble.

So, this weekend Sam came to live on the farm.
At least for now.
Sam loves the farm...
lots of room to run,
lots of company,
no separation anxiety.

 So, this weekend we got busy teaching Sam to be farm-worthy.

He learned to leave the cats and chickens and ducks alone.

He is learning a healthy respect for the horses.

He and Oakley are best of buddies.

Life is good.

Sam is happy.

And we have two three four five dogs.
Dogs happen.
Life happens.

Have I lost my mind?
Please tell me what you think!
Yes, you....who never leaves me a comment!

- A Walk On The Wild Side....week 5
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- Happiness
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