If the school doesn’t tell you what to do or give you the textbooks then how do you know what to teach?

If the school doesn’t tell you what to do or give you the textbooks then how do you know what to teach?

A parent who is considering homeschooling asked me some questions, the main one was “If the school doesn’t tell you what to do or give you the textbooks then how do you know what to teach?”. Since the Thinking Mother had such a thoughtful response I'll direct you there.
If you are like some distant relatives and acquaintances that like to continually ask me, “If the school doesn’t tell you what to do or give you the textbooks then how do you know what to teach?” or if you are at all concerned with exactly how I, a non-teacher, could teach my children please read this blog post which I published in November 2006, in which I explain all the things I do with my time to educate myself, to prepare and to plan our family’s homeschooling.

She also discussed how the differing regulations from state to state influence homechoolers in her post Different Homeschooling Experiences Occur Due To What State One Lives In.


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