I'm All Ears...

I'm All Ears...

A question for all donkey owners....

Is it me?

Or is it nearly impossible...

to get a decent picture...

Chloe, tugging on the camera strap.
of a donkey....

without the assistance of a third party?
Ok, so let's pull up a chair...

and eat it?

It seems that any time I go in with Chloe and Daphne,
they have to spend the entire time up close and personal...
which makes photography difficult at best.

Last night we tried apples for the first time.

Them, not me....
but I did have to bite it into pieces for them!

Neither of them was impressed.

"Here Daphne....try it!"

"Don't think I like apples, Mom."

"How about you, Chloe?"


Come on, girls....
you're making me look like an ass........


- Frozen Poopsicles And Portion Control
We've reached that point in the winter when daily chores seem to take forever.While there are less chores to be done,the ones that remain take much longer...complicated by the ice on the ground. Because the equines eat so much more hay in the winter, they...

- It Really Is....
...beginning to look a whole lot like Christmas around here! I spent much of yesterday decorating for Christmas.At this point I can show you the living room tree... Woodland critters is the theme for the living room. The mantle above the fireplace......

- Party On!
Sometimes, when the sun comes out,after weeks and weeks of grayness... Sometimes, even when it is still frigidly cold outside,but the sun stirs your heart and fills it with hope.... Sometimes, you just have to throw caution to the wind,put on your crown,and...

- The Donkeys Have A Visitor
Daphne:  "Hey Chloe...who's that, out in the pasture?" Chloe:  "Let's go find out!" Daphne:  "You go first!" Chloe:  "From where I stand, I'd say she's not from around here." Chloe:  "She looks a little edgy...

- Discriminating Tastes
While I was handing out pear snacks to the horses, yesterday,the donkeys became quite jealous.If you've spent any time with donkeys, then you will know that an upset donkeycan be quite loud....letting out a bray something like a siren! I had one tiny...

