I'm Dreaming of a Warm Greenhouse

I'm Dreaming of a Warm Greenhouse

Yesterday afternoon as rain drizzled on the roof,
and thunder rumbled in the distance,

I seized the opportunity to do a little clean-up of our greenhouse.
First I shoveled the snow away from the front of the greenhouse so if the sun
ever comes out again....it will be able to pass through the windows!

I will soon be starting seeds in here.

Tiny little seeds, nestled in homemade potting soil...
(a recipe of black peat, brown peat, compost, vermiculite, green sand, phosphorus rock,
blood meal and water)
kept warm by heated germination mats...
will sprout and grow into the tiny seedlings that will populate our
summer kitchen garden.

I can hardly wait!

Fresh veggies from the garden...
fresh herbs, fresh fruit...
all manner of organic produce to feed my family.

And all of it having it's start right here in this humble little greenhouse!

And while I work,
I am surrounded by my friends.

Curious critters who just cannot resist investigating all that I do!

I am so very lucky to be surrounded by fur-friends.
They keep me company all day long and entertain me as well!
It won't be long.....

First this...

Then this...

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