Weekend Happenings

Weekend Happenings

Spring is in the air...
I can hear it in the morning...
in the birdsongs.
Now that we have set the clocks ahead, the days will feel much longer.

We spent a quiet weekend on the farm.
Seeds were planted in the greenhouse...

It feels so good to be back in the soil...even if only in potting soil.
Still, with seeds tucked away in warm earth, it's only a matter of weeks until
the greenhouse will be filled with green again...new life...new hope...
a promise of summer to come!

Snow on the ground gave me a little time for knitting.
I made this buttoned infinity scarf and started another project...

While washing eggs in the kitchen, I spied this little guy hanging out on the suet feeder
outside the kitchen window.  
It seems the squirrels like our homemade suet as well as the birds.

"Hey, little fellow,"  I called out the window, "You have a little suet on your cheek!"

"Yea, well, this stuff is quite tasty...but awful messy," he answered.

"Wipe your right cheek and your little nose,"  I directed.

He finished his little nut, and wiped his cheek with his furry paw.

"How's that?"  he asked.

"Much better,"  I said.  "But, it looks as if your nose is running... 
and your whiskers are a bit greasy."

"Jeez....there's no satisfying you, lady!"  he chortled.

And lastly, I finally captured a video of something that I have wanted to share with you...

Yep, it's a dog's life...
and a good one at that!

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- Squirrel Proof
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