Is It Friday Yet?

Is It Friday Yet?

Ok...this has been quite a week...
a week I am not ready to repeat!

First...Monday, I fell up the basement stairs and face-planted on a wooden step.
What I hoped would be an injury that would make me look more like 
Angelina Joli (lips) ended up just giving me a fat lip on the left
with a big purple bruise on my upper lip not unlike the look of half a mustache!

Tuesday....while wielding a rather large knife, preparing dinner,
I proceeded to cut the tip off of my left ring finger... along with the ribs of Swiss Chard.
Luckily it was Rainbow chard, so the blood blended in.

Thursday (yesterday)....while mowing, I drove headlong into a hornet.
As I sit here typing, the left half of my nose and eye are swelling
and hurt like a son of a gun.

Lessons learned... never play "chicken" with a hornet...
don't try to carry a dozen canning jars up the basement stairs...
and....fingertips are not good in a sauté!

To top it all off, Ginger and MaryAnn escaped yesterday afternoon.
They went on quite an excellent adventure...
slipping out of a corner of some temporary fencing that I put up to extend their grazing area.
(that's the last time I try doing something nice for them!)
Hubbs and I and Jim and Kathy (our friends and neighbors)
spent quite a while searching for them.
Thankfully, Jim chased them out of the woods and they walked back to their yard
willingly.... ready for their dinner.

By the end of the day I needed a bit of humor.
So, off to the donkey yard, to do a little grooming...

Donkeys are quite curious and love to pick things up in their mouth.

They also have a really good sense of humor!
Here is Chloe's impression of a moose.
(She knew I needed a good laugh!)

Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
It looks like Autumn is settling in on the farm this weekend...
lower temps and chilly nights.
Sweater weather....I love it!

PS.... I had a chance to meet my favorite little buddy, Tyler,
 and his Mommy this week at the park.
 Look who has a big boy haircut!

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