Is It Greener?

Is It Greener?

The grass, that is....
Is it really greener on the other side of the fence?

According to the Littles, it is.
They have a whole open pasture at their disposal.
Are they out enjoying it?
 they are in the dry lot eating on the other side of the fence.
Ollie: "I don't know, Red, what do you think?  Is this grass any better?"
Red:  "You know, Ollie, I don't think it is.  And getting to it sure is a challenge!"

It's funny, but these two are no different from us humans.
It seems that for some, 
no matter what their situation is,
it often feels like it might be better elsewhere.
And they end up feeling like this:

What I've learned in my lifetime is this.
Grass is pretty much grass, wherever you go.
If it looks a little greener elsewhere,
you just need to get a closer look to realize that
no matter where you go, it's still pretty much just grass.

The key to happiness is being completely satisfied with where you are
at any given time.

If you think your grass is a little brown....just wait a little
a good rain will turn it green again.
It's the same with life!

Hope you have a wonderful 4th of July weekend on your side of the fence!!

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