Isn't It Early?

Isn't It Early?

It seems to me to be a bit early.
Don't you think?
If memory serves me, I think our asparagus
usually doesn't emerge until May.

Not so this year.
It is up in full force...
offering its bounty daily.

You might notice that the dandelions behind it are also out 
in full force.
(Yesterday I just bought myself a new weed digger.
I think I'll be needing it!)

Also emerging are the sugar snap peas...




Very soon we will be consuming this wonderful bounty.
Then the freezing and preserving begins...
and continues through the rest of the summer.
The end result should be a pantry and freezer full
of luscious home grown food to get us through the winter.

Today I think I may try to create a leek and asparagus soup.
If it turns out, I will write the recipe and post it on my other blog.

Otherwise, you'll find me here.....weeding away!

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