It's Asparagus Time

It's Asparagus Time

Asparagus time is one of my favorite seasons in the garden. Each Spring it is the first crop to be harvested and a sure sign that winter is over. I find great comfort in seeing these purplish/green shoots emerging from the earth. It is reassurance that warmer weather is close at hand. This year, however, the asparagus is a bit early. These past few days of unseasonably warm temperatures have coaxed these tender shoots a couple of weeks early. I won't complain, however, as they taste heavenly. Their early emergence has given me inspiration to get busy planting, planting, planting!

Spring has sprung! Bees are buzzin'.   Look what's coming up in the garden.... The first tender asparagus shoots are emerging.... Onions.... Rhubarb.... Radishes.... Perennial herbs, such as chives and oregano.... It does my heart...

- Harvesting
Up at the crack of dawn.... and out to do the animal chores.Once those were completed, I headed to the garden to do somewatering, weeding and harvesting.It was even too early for my usual help... While so much of the country is dealing with storms and...

- Isn't It Early?
It seems to me to be a bit early.Don't you think?If memory serves me, I think our asparagususually doesn't emerge until May. Not so this year.It is up in full force...offering its bounty daily. You might notice that the dandelions behind it are...

- Garden Party
The really warm weather that we had last week may be gone for now, but signs of Spring still remain.  This past weekend Hubbs and I finished moving oak bark mulch into the vegetable garden.  (A big thanks to our adopted "son" Tim for moving...

- A Taste Of Spring
Last year we planted at least 30 asparagas roots. They all came up and we had lovely fern-like plants in one corner of our garden. Being that they were so new, we restrained from eating any of their tender them adequate time to establish...

