The Good, The Bad and The Ugly...And A Giveaway

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly...And A Giveaway

And....not necessarily in that order.

First, the ugly:

O'Malley has a rip roaring case of conjunctivitis.
Her eye is closed in this picture...but believe me, if it were open...
it would definitely be a stink-eye!

Our grapes are dying on the vine...
drying up and rotting before ripening.
I surmise it is due to the fact that we have had such wet, cool weather.

The bad:

Hubbs spent a few days rebuilding the platform for our platform tent that was demolished
this winter by a heavy storm,
only to find that the tent, which we had kept in storage...
was riddled with holes made by a very fat little mouse family.

Oakley has a rip roaring ear infection.
Ear swollen shut.
I am guessing a result of the frequent baths he received post skunking.

It is impossible to get grass to grow with hungry guinea fowl around!

The good:

The flowers are loving the weather that is killing the grapes.
Everything looks lovely!

Our entire new family of ducks remains.
One week has passed with no fox attacks!

Our 3 bee hives are all doing well.
I am holding my breath that they will make it through the winter...
giving us a honey harvest next year.

Annie has learned to respect the farm animals...
and has become the perfect farm dog.

One thing that life on the farm has taught me...
you absolutely have to be able to take the bad with the good.
The way I see it is... the bad makes the good all the sweeter.

I think it is part of the balance of life.
We cannot have all good, or all bad...
achieving a balance between the two might be the best goal.

And now....
I have had much success in selling my bracelets, so I thought it was time to gift one.

I am also going to include a couple more items from the farm...
some honey from our bees and a big bulb of organic garlic that was just harvested.

Daphne and Chloe will pick a winner on Friday
 and I will post the winner on Saturday.

I must confess, however, that I have a request in return...
please just leave me a quick message, email, or comment with your first name
and where you are from, and how long you have been reading my blog.

(If you are reading this on Facebook and do not want to comment....
could you just "like" the post so I can see how many readers are reached?)

I am trying to figure out how many people read my blog and this will help tremendously!

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