It's too cold to go outside by Scylla & Sockie~Pooh

It's too cold to go outside by Scylla & Sockie~Pooh

I don't like going outside when it is cold. But I still like to watch the birds that visit our yard out the window. When I am safely behind the glass the birds get really close. I wonder how come they don't come that close when I am actually out in the yard?

As everyone in my family knows I am a very nosey cat. I like to know what everyone is doing. It was too cold to go outside so I got Mommy to put a chair by the door so I could keep an eye on Daddy.

Sockie~Pooh agreed with me that it was too cold to go outside. He joined me in birdwatching out the window.

If you are wondering where Charybdis is she is umm............................outside.

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