Cat Gossip

Cat Gossip

Don't we look cozy? It was very cold out so we all piled on the couch for a nap. Mommy was even on the couch, until she got up to take the picture.

Sockie~Pooh has been abandoning us. He is hanging out with Mr. Tigger and the other Man~Cats at the M~Cats Club.

Daisy, we got some Temptations last night and they are delicious, now we know why you like them so much.

It is still cold and wet here so we are mostly staying inside and sleeping.

- Note From Charybdis
Everyone thank you so much for your purrs and good wishes. I am feeling much better. Mommy is feeling a little better too. She says if she could lay around sleeping all day she would probably feel as good as I do, but somebody has to take care of us....

- Tattle Tail Tuesday With Charybdis
We were tagged to do a meme by the gang at Jan's Funny Farm. The rules are:Show us a photo of the front of your Cold Box and tell us about at least one thing on it and one thing you keep inside of it! Tag your friends and remember to stay COOL! And...

- We Got The You Make My Day Award ~ The Cats
Samantha & Tigger over at Life From A Cat's Perspective gave us (Scylla, Charybdis & Sockie~Pooh) this You Make My Day Award. Thanks Samantha & Tigger (you make our day too). The You Make My Day Award is presented to bloggers whose blog...

- It's Charybdis' Turn ~ 7 Random/weird Facts About Yourself Meme!
Tigger and Samantha at Life From A Cat's Perspective tagged us for the 7 Random/Weird Facts About Yourself Meme!The rules are easy! Just link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog. Share seven random weird facts about yourself....

- This Is What Happened To My Homework....
The dog ate it...with three dogs, it could happen.I spilled dinner on it...possibly, what a mess!It was in my pocket and it went through the laundry.All plausible reasons.... But the real reason that I don't have a formal blog post today is this......

