Mommy's Christmas Present by Scylla & Charybdis

Mommy's Christmas Present by Scylla & Charybdis

December 8, 2007
Daddy is giving Mommy a Greenhouse for Christmas. This is where he plans to put it (We think you can see the stakes if you enlarge the picture).

Lord Epa is helping Daddy measure the thing-mi-jigs.

Daddy is working very hard on it, but we wonder if he will get through in time. He does know there is only two weeks & 3 days until Christmas doesn't he? And bad Daddy is running off to San Diego for one of those weeks. We don't think he will get through in time unless we cats pitch in.

December 16th

We think it may take a miracle to get it finished before Christmas. Sockie~Pooh was even out there helping earlier. Daddy has marked where the post holes need to go, so I guess we cats better start digging. We are very good diggers. Although Sockie~Pooh says we may need to borrow a dog. Apparently they are better diggers.

Christmas Eve

Even with us cats offering advice and help (which sadly enough the humans didn't seem to appreciate) they aren't going to get through in time. So this is what Mommy is getting for Christmas. Maybe Mommy shouldn't let them open their presents until they finish hers. What do you think?

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